Catholic Schools Week

National Catholic Schools Week is an annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. It starts the last Sunday in January and runs all week. Schools typically observe the week with Masses, open houses and other activities for students, families, parishioners and community members. Through these events, schools focus on the value Catholic education provides to young people and its contributions to our church, our communities and our nation.

Here at Corpus Christi Catholic School, we have a full schedule of special events for our two communities, St. Francis de Sales and Our Lady of the Lake, our families, students, and faculty and staff.  Please find out full calendar of events and activities below.

Calendar of Events

* = updated dates due to inclement weather cancellations during originally scheduled Catholic Schools Week

Children’s Raffle fundraiser for Boosters taking place all week at lunchtime-

Sunday, January 27th – “Celebrating our Parish”

Catholic schools benefit all year long from the religious guidance, prayers and support parishes provide. Many parishes join in the National Catholic Schools Week celebration by devoting a Mass to Catholic education.

  • Mass at OLL 11:00am – All School, Staff, and Liturgical Choir attend; students wear Mass uniforms
  • CCCS students & Knights of Columbus pancake breakfast after both Masses. This is a fundraiser for the 8th grade class trip.

*Monday, January 28th – “Celebrating Community”

A central aspect of Catholic education is learning the importance of service to others. When students take part in service activities they demonstrate the values and faith gained through Catholic education.

  • Students will write notes to local leaders
  • Crazy sock day!

*Tuesday, February 5th – “Celebrating Students”

Schools celebrate students during National Catholic Schools Week by planning enjoyable and meaningful activities for them and recognizing their accomplishments.

  • Stop in the gym before school for donuts and juice – provided by Home & School
  • 4th grade attends Mass at Diocese -4th grade & 4th S/I receive pizza lunch at the Diocese
  • Crazy hat day!

*Wednesday, February 6th – “Celebrating Vocations”

On National Appreciation Day for Catholic Schools, students, families, educators and other Catholic school supporters communicate the value of Catholic education to government leaders.

  • Mass @ 8:45am – All are welcome!

*Thursday, February 7th – “Celebrating our Nation”

By focusing on faith, knowledge and service, Catholic schools prepare children to use their God-given talents to the fullest later in life.

  • Crazy Hat or Baseball Cap Day

*Friday, February 8th – “Celebrating Faculty, Staff, & Volunteers”

On this day, schools will honor teachers and principals as well as administrators and staff who support them in their important work and thank the parents, grandparents, alumni, parishioners and school board members who provide volunteer service.

  • Jeans Day for staff
  • CCCS Spirit Day – dress in your favorite CCCS top and jeans bottoms!
  • All school bingo 12:45pm -1:45pm – Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Supple
  • 2:45 – 3:15 pm raffle drawing – gymnasium

Sunday, February 3rd – “ Celebrating Families”

Parents, guardians and other family members play a vital role in Catholic education. Not only do they volunteer at the school, they instill values and expectations for academic excellence in their children at home.

  • Mass at SFDS 10:30am – All school, staff, & liturgical choir attend; students wear Mass uniforms
    • CCCS students serving donuts, juice, coffee, & providing cleanup



Calendario de Eventos

La Rifa de Niños para recaudar fondos para Boosters se llevará a cabo toda la semana a la hora del almuerzo-

  • Domingo, 27 de Enero – “Celebrando nuestra Parroquia”
    • Misa en Nuestra Señora del Lago a las 11:00am – Asiste toda la Escuela, Personal y el Coro Litúrgico; estudiantes usar uniforme de Misa
    • Estudiantes de CCCS & Caballeros de Colón ofrecerán panqueques después de las dos Misas. Es una recaudación de fondos para excursiones escolares del grado 8o.
  • Lunes, 28 de Enero – “Celebrando la Comunidad”
    • Los estudiantes escribirán notas para líderes locales
    • Día del Calcetín loco!
  • Martes, 29 de Enero – “Celebrando los Estudiantes”
    • Pare en el gimnasio antes de la escuela para donas y jugo – proporcionado por Hogar & Escuela
    • 4o grado asiste a la Misa de la Diócesis -4o grado & 4o Inmersión en Español recibe pizza de almuerzo en la Diócesis
    • Día del Sombrero loco!
  • Miércoles, 30 de Enero –  – “Celebrando las Vocaciones”
    • Misa a las 8:45am – Todos son bienvenidos!
  • Jueves, 31 de Enero “Celebrando Nuestra Nación ”
    • Día de vestirse de Rojo, Blanco y Azúl! Pantalón de Uniforme con camisa roja, blanca, y/o azúl.
    • Social de Pre-escolar en la Guardería, 10:15-10:45
    • Desfile del Día del Espíritu Pre-escolar 10:45 am – perímetro de la Capilla – Todos los padres y estudiantes son bienvenidos
    • Showcase de Aprendizaje para toda la Escuela y refrigerios ligeros
      • 6-7:30 pm
      • Estudiantes por favor, usar uniforme! El público es bienvenido, invite familia & amigos
      • Disfrute de refrigerios y visite el salón de clase de Otoño 2019 de su niño
    • Viernes 1 de Febrero – “Celebrando los Maestros, Personal y Voluntarios”
      • Día de Jean para el personal
      • Día de Espíritu CCCS – vista su camisa favorita de CCCS y jeans!
      • Adoración – 10:30am – 11:15am
      • Bingo para toda la escuela 12:45pm – 1:45pm – Sra. Jones y Sra. Supple
      • 2:45 – 3:15 pm Sorteo de la Rifa en el gimnasio
  • Domingo 3 de Febrero – “ Celebrando las Familias”
    • Misa en SFDS 10:30am – Asiste toda la escuela, personal y Coro litúrgico; estudiantes usar uniforme de Misa
      • Estudiantes de CCCS sirven donas, jugo, café y ofrecerán la limpieza