Standardized Testing

MAPS tests are given to the students three times a year. Students in second through eighth grades are tested in math, reading, and language skills in the fall, winter, and spring. The scores from each test are compared to the last to ensure students are making progress during the year.

MAP stands for Measures of Academic Progress, and is a nationally-normed, standardized, electronic testing program which has been developed by The Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA). Information gleaned from MAP is crucial in determining instructional strategies, identifying groups for possible remediation work, and giving teachers and administrators data to improve student achievement.

In June of 2010, the State of Michigan (along with 41 other states) unanimously adopted a set of rigorous, college and career-ready K-12 curriculum to bring consistency in education across the states. NWEA will release a new version of MAP during the 2011-12 academic year that aligns with these standards in order to better measure some of the more complex college and career-ready standards.

The MAPS testing program was selected by our Diocese to help us provide a more personalized education for your child. The objectives measured by this assessment are those that research has identified as necessary for success in today’s academic environment. The scoring results provide teachers, administrators and parents information that can be used to work with both strengths and weaknesses in a student’s academic profile. Your child’s score on the MAP tests is called a RIT score. Your child’s report will list the RIT score in Mathematics, Reading, and Language Usage.

NWEA MAPs will allow us to provide greater learning experiences that will help each child master one level of learning before moving to the next level. As we move forward, NWEA MAPs will also allow our teachers to further differentiate instruction to meet the needs of each student – based upon their specific growth areas as well as areas of strength.