All are welcome!
Wednesdays @ 8:45 am
See calendar for up-to-date schedule.
A liturgy prepared specifically for and by the children is celebrated each Wednesday morning in the Chapel at Corpus Christi. Holy Days of Obligation are observed as well with a school-wide Mass. All parents are invited to join the student body for Mass.
Each class has several opportunities throughout the school year to participate in the preparation and celebration of the Mass by doing the readings, offering the petitions, bringing up the gifts, or assisting the priest as altar servers and cross bearer. The school choir lends its musical gifts to the weekly celebration, and the school bands share their talents for special occasions.
In addition to the weekly Masses, the children begin each day in the Chapel to pause together in prayer and reflection before their work day begins. Students join their classmates to pray before lunch and going home. Prayer is an integral segment of Corpus Christi life for students, staff, and families: meetings, assemblies, athletic competitions–all school-sponsored events are launched with a prayer.
The seasons and activities of the Church are a part of our students’ faith formation as well: they plan and participate in events such as Ash Wednesday, Stations of the Cross and silent lunches during Lent, the Feast of St. Blaise (blessing of the throats), Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and honoring Mary during our May Crowning, among others. Our parish priests bring the Sacrament of Reconciliation to Corpus Christi students four times per year, providing these young Catholics a one-on-one occasion to share their spiritual concerns and journey with their pastor. We have several stewardship projects each year, which are developed and implemented by students in both single and cooperative classroom efforts.
Training is a significant portion of the faith formation classes for grade/age appropriate students here at Corpus Christi. Second graders are prepared for Reconciliation and First Communion. Eighth graders are prepared for Confirmation. The education and training provide the necessary preparation to receive these Holy Gifts within the context of their parish-community celebration. “First” Communion is celebrated on a school-wide level at the May Crowning Mass after all of our second graders have celebrated it first with their home parish.
Our students live their faith in myriad ways. We have various service-related projects through the year, from something as simple as $1 Jeans Days, with proceeds donated to local charities, to our annual Day of Sharing, which is a day dedicated to schoolwide formal service projects benefiting up to ten local organizations. The tenets of Catholic Social Teaching guide our students’ activities in service. Additionally, our older students serve as Mass mentors to our younger students, helping to guide them in participation in the celebration of Mass weekly at our school.