Home & School Group


The mission of the Home and School Group is to advance the academic and spiritual welfare of the students in the school through coordinated efforts of the parents/guardians, faculty, staff, administration, and students in a Christ-like atmosphere.  Parents and guardians of students attending Corpus Christi Catholic School are automatically members and encouraged to become actively involved. This organization is similar to the PTA or PTO in a public school.  The By-Laws and Constitution of the Home and School Group are available here in PDF format.


On an annual basis, our budget includes funding for activities such as the Talent Show, Day of Sharing, Book Fair, Mother-Son & Father-Daughter events, and classroom parties.


Home and School Group meetings typically take place on the last Thursday evening of every month from August through June and are open to the entire membership.  These meetings are often held virtually. Refer to the school calendar for updated dates, times, and links/locations.

2024-2025 Home and School Officers

President: Julie Kirby

Vice President: Melissa Ley

Secretary: Courtney Jacobs

Treasurer: Claire Wing

Past President: Kristin Schuon