Athletic Information & Forms

Sports Programs 5th – 8th Grade

Fall Sports

Boys’ Soccer

Girls’ Volleyball

Co-ed Cross Country

Winter Sports

Girls’ Basketball

Boys’ Basketball


Spring Sports

Co-ed Track

Girls’ Soccer

Athletic Forms

Athletic Eligibility Form

Athletic Handbook Expectations

OK Conf Physical_Form

Concussion Awareness

Booster Agreement


Sports participation creates a unique learning environment for youngsters to develop life-long healthy habits and characteristics. Promoting physical wellness, self-discipline, strategic thinking, team spirit, and fair play, a quality sports program helps produce good sports both on and off the field.

Corpus Christi is a member of the Grand Rapids Area Catholic Elementary Athletic Council (GRACEAC.) Our school competes with other middle schools in the Grand Rapids Diocese. Programs offered through GRACEAC include football, cross country, boys’ soccer, girls’ volleyball, competitive cheer, boys’ and girls’ basketball, girls’ soccer, track and field, baseball, and softball.

Students in grades 5-8 are encouraged to sign up! Corpus Christi’s “no cut” policy gives all athletes an opportunity to improve their skills and contribute to their team.

GRACEAC’s philosophy for the Sports Program states:

The purpose of the athletic program at the upper elementary (5th grade and middle school, including grades 6-8) level is to complement home, church, and school in the development of the whole person. Activities of the program are for the benefit of the children, suited to their age and physical growth.  The goals are 1.) to recognize  the need of physical fitness in the wholesome growth of the child, and 2.) to provide enjoyable recreational activity which develops Christian attitudes of sportsmanship and fair play that can be sustained beyond the school.

The primary function of athletics in the Grand Rapids Diocese should not be the development of exceptional athletes. Rather it must be the development of student-athletes who genuinely display the Christian qualities of good sportsmanship and fair play in every aspect of life. The successful operation of athletics depends upon a true commitment from all adults involved.

To view more information from GRACEAC, visit