Corpus Christi Catholic School offers an excellent academic program rooted in our Catholic faith which works to build good character among all of our students. In addition to our traditional K-8 education, we have been building a Spanish Immersion Program which is in its third year. We’ve outlined each grade’s core curriculum and provide information on our immersion program. In addition to our core curriculum, all K-8th grade students take Spanish, music, computers, art, physical wellness, and religion classes to best round out their education.
Our Kindergarten program runs five mornings a week with two enrichment afternoons. We are dedicated to providing excellence in both academic and spiritual instruction. We utilize Zoo-phonics, Lucy Calkins’ Writing Process, as well as Math Pentathlon games. Our kindergarteners attend Mass weekly and have daily prayer and Liturgy of the Word.
First graders` language arts instruction is based on the Harcourt Reading Program which provides the springboard for reading, phonics, spelling, and writing. First graders also participate in an individualized reading program which enables them to take home books that suit their reading ability level. Parent volunteers visit the classroom to read one-on-one with individual students to encourage comprehension and fluency. In addition to our Scott Foresman/Addison Wesley math program, children are encouraged to use the IXL and Ten Marks programs which supplement and provide additional practice and challenge.
The second grade program offers both academic and spiritual instruction. Preparation for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist are an important part of the year. Daily prayer offers opportunity for informal prayer and intercessions. Harcourt Brace materials are used for Language Arts and Science programs. Scott Foresman/Addison-Wesley materials are used for Math as well as the Daily Math Facts by Otter Creek. Houghton-Mifflin materials are used for Social Studies. Junior Achievement of The Great Lakes of Michigan also partners with our class for a six-week session on Community and Economics. DeGraaf Nature Center field trips and trips to local businesses enhance our social studies and science programs. Attendance at the Lollipop Concert by the Grand Rapids Symphony and Ballet enhances our music program.
We are dedicated to providing excellence in both academic and spiritual instruction. With guidance from their teacher, students plan and participate in weekly Mass held in our school chapel as part of a rotational schedule for our 2nd through 8th grade classes. We encourage and teach organizational skills by providing assignment books to all students at the beginning of the year. A variety of field trips are planned throughout the year, including trips to the Holland Public Museum, Lansing State Capitol Building & Museum, Hoffmaster State Park, Meijer Gardens, and IMAX Theater. We also participate in the Reading is Fundamental (RIF) program through West Ottawa Public Schools.
Together, the Third and Fourth grades occupy a wing that separates them from the primary and middle school wings. This allows them to grow into an increased level of social maturity as they prepare for their transition to the “upperclassmen” middle school location and environment. We are privileged and committed in offering both academic and spiritual instruction. Our fourth graders attend Mass weekly, and they have daily prayer and Liturgy of the Word in addition to their academic studies.
The fifth graders experience more of the middle school life by sharing the same wing and participating in a number of Middle School activities and events. We are privileged and committed in offering both academic and spiritual instruction. Our fifth graders attend Mass weekly, and they have daily prayer and Liturgy of the Word in addition to their academic studies.
Dual Language Immersion is a method of educating students in an instructional setting that allows them to acquire a second language through subject content instruction, educational discourse, and social interaction in the second language for at least 50%of the academic day (Cloud et al.,2000). We are in our third year of offering and growing a solid Spanish immersion program. We will now have, for Fall 2015, a kindergarten/1st grade class and a 2nd grade class. View our 2015/2016 brochure and contact the school office for more information.