Chromebook Norms for Middle School

Dear Parents,

Below are the Chromebook norms for the students. Please make some time to read and discuss these with your son/daughter.

Chromebook Norms

2019 – 2020


  • Chromebooks are transported using both hands.
    • Handles are not to be used for transport.
  • NO food or drink should be on desk when the Chromebook is being utilized.
  • Chromebooks should be stored in students’ mailboxes when not in use.
  • At end of day, students are to replace their Chromebooks into the specified cart and plug in securely.


  • Chromebooks remain closed until TEACHER requests them open for use.
  • Students are only to access the sites provided by the teacher, when instructed to do so.
  • Students are only permitted to use their assigned Chromebooks.

Consequences of improper handling and care:

  • Handling: Improper Care and Open at Improper Times
    • 1st Strike: Verbal Warning – log infraction on Google Sheet with initials, date, and action
    • 2nd Strike: Loss for one week – with parent contact – w/supervised usage next to teacher if needed.
    • 3rd Strike: Only teacher supervised use (when a Chromebook is necessary) for the quarter.
    • 4th Strike: Parent ability to opt their child out of Chromebook usage OR teacher supervised use for the remainder of the school year. 
  • Usage: Non Designated Websites and Poor Digital Citizenship
    • 1st: Phone call home, conference with Academic Dean/Principal, and loss of Chromebook for one week.*
    • 2nd: Phone call home, conference with Academic Dean/Principal and Parents, and loss of Chromebook for the remainder of the school year.*

*Any use that goes against the mission of the school, or puts the safety and well being of others at risk will be reported to legal authorities.
