October 25, 2019 News

Special Persons Day

Special Persons Day will be taking place this Friday, November 1, from 8:30-11:00 am, per the invite that came home in your child’s folder a week or so ago. I look forward to meeting all of the special persons who will be joining us in 1st Grade!

Students are not allowed to dress up like a saint, as they have had the opportunity to do in years past.

It is a Mass day, so Mass uniform is expected.

*Note: Because Mass is on Friday, there will be no school Mass on Wednesday. In its place will be Adoration from 8:30-11:00 am.


Friday Folder- Swimming Lessons

In your child’s Friday folder, you will find the permission slip for this year’s swim lessons that needs to be signed and returned.

Lessons will take place this year from November 18-December 5. First Grade will leave on the bus at 10:40 and return to school at 12:15 for lunch and to continue the afternoon.


Bag Books/ Word Work Bag

Your child is bringing home a couple of their “bag books” that they have been reading during reading centers so far this year. These books would be great to keep around the house for your child to continue practicing fluent reading! The bag of words is from their first word sort last week. From this point forward they will end up gluing their words into a notebook at one of their centers, so you will not see them coming home as I previously mentioned.


What We Learned This Week…

It is my hope that the bullets you’ll find in this section each week can be conversation starters for you around the dinner table with your son or daughter!


  • the difference between mortal and venial sins
  • when we sin, we fail to love God
  • sin pulls us further away from God
  • prayer: the Hail Mary


  • number talks: counting all the dots/counting on using a ten frame
  • adding doubles
  • adding in any order (“swapping the story”)
  • counting on (“put the bigger number in your head, the smaller number on your hand, and count on”)
  • Math Centers:
    • roll it, solve it, color it (addition fluency practice)
    • iPads: SplashMath
    • Math journals: rolling the dice to write equations and practice addition fluency


  • shared reading skills: “Stellaluna” to prepare for bat learning activities and story comprehension this coming week
  • reading to self stamina
  • segmenting words into separate sounds
  • blending sounds together to make words
  • fluency
  • poetry: Hot or Cold?

Social Studies

  • important role fire fighters play in our community
  • how their role allows them to be good citizens
  • safety items (fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, etc.) found within the building and the important role they play in keeping us safe


Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Drummond
