December 13, 2019 News
Friday Folders
Friday folders are full today, so please be sure to take the time to look through all of the information! One item to note in particular is the school-wide permission slip for being bused over to St. Francis on Tuesday to practice for the Christmas program- please sign and return Monday!
Christmas Party
The First Grade Christmas Party will take place on Friday, December 20th from 2-3 pm. If you would like to sign up to help or send something in, please email Erin Kasprzak at
What We Learned This Week…
It is my hope that the bullets you’ll find in this section each week can be conversation starters for you around the dinner table with your son or daughter!
- loving God and loving our neighbor
- Moses and the Ten Commandments
- Advent retreat: being open to God and waiting with patience for what He has in store for us
- prayer: Hail Mary
- number talks: counting all the dots/counting on using a ten frame
- identifying related facts
- finding connections between addition and subtraction
- fact families
- short u sounds
- vowel sounds in all as in ball or tall
- consonant digraphs sh and th
- reading to self stamina
- segmenting words into separate sounds
- blending sounds together to make words
- comprehension: predicting and setting a purpose for reading
- fluency
- using a story map to outline a story to write (characters, setting, beginning, middle, and end of story)
- creative writing: a snowman or Christmas story
- beginning brainstorms: how to catch a gingerbread
Social Studies
- understanding Wampanoag and Pilgrim cultures
- how older cultures made money
- how does money simplify trade
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Drummond