The “Swanky” Report 12.14.19

The last few weeks have just been flying by and I’d like to apologize for my lack of weekly posts! The end of the year is quickly approaching and we will be wrapping up the first semester of Preschool! I hope your students are enjoying their time in our classroom as much as I have with each of them! It has truly been a blessing!
The Last Few Weeks:
- Preschoolers have been continuing with our “Letter Exploration” unit with the letters “K” and “L.” Last week we focused on “K” as we learned that “K” is for Key! This last week we’ve been working with letter “L,” is for Lollipop!
- If you would like to hear the songs that we play each morning in Preschool you can visit our Preschool Resources page .
- How’s The Weather:
- Colors:
- ABC’s:
- Days of the Week:
- We dived into a number recognition while we played Number Bingo with numbers 1-20!
- We also did an experiment with peppermints, candy canes and luke warm water. We made predictions about what we thought would happen with each peppermint and candy cane and which of the two would melt first. Many of our students expressed interest in doing this experiment at home with their families! It’s very simple, all you need is two cups of luke warm water, a peppermint and a candy cane. Put each candy in a cup and let it sit for a few minutes-few hours.
- The colder weather is here, please send your students to school with the proper outdoor clothing so they are warm when they go outside for recess. With that in mind, please practice at home with students on getting dressed (I.E. snow pants first and then boots).
- Please remind our students that we do not throw snow at our friends when we’re in school. We all know that Michigan snow isn’t always the softest and could also be combined with ice, so to avoid any accidents, we’d prefer that we don’t have snowball fights!
- Our students run around and play a lot throughout the day, please remember to bring a water bottle with them to school each day so they can stay hydrated.
- Cold and Flu season is upon us and it’s hit our classroom pretty hard the last week! Please remind your students that if they need to cough, to cough into their arm and to cover their mouth when they cough. Please also practice proper hand washing at home!
- December 17th is our Christmas Program at 6:30 p.m. at St. Francis de Sales!
- December 19th is our class Christmas Party!
- Last day of class for 2019 is December 19th!
This Coming Week:
This week will be the last week of school before Christmas break! While we will of course be learning, we also be working on some holiday crafts!