September 13, 2019 News
Friday Folders
Your Friday folders for this weekend contain at least one- maybe more- documents that need to be signed and returned for records and information in the office. Please be sure they come back on Monday signed! Thank you!
MAP Testing
Your children did a wonderful job this week completing their first MAP test, Reading. Friday was the first day of Math, and they will finish on Tuesday. Every single one of them took their time and tried their very best. Encourage them to continue to do the same on Math for one more day!
Here is the remaining testing period:
- Tuesday, September 17, 10:30-11:10 am (Math)
Background Checks and Virtus Training
I am beginning to plan a few of our field trips for this school year. For most, if not all of them, a certain number of parents will be invited to join us as chaperones. If that is something you would be interested in joining us for this year, please check in with the Main Office to be sure that they have a completed background check on file for you and that you are up to date on your Virtus training. For the safety of all of our students, it is required to have those two pieces completed in order to volunteer.
What We Learned This Week…
It is my hope that the bullets you’ll find in this section each week can be conversation starters for you around the dinner table with your son or daughter!
- ways we praise God
- how we can show our love for God to others
- the first day of creation
- prayer: the Glory Be
- number talks: counting all the dots/counting on
- using pictures to add to
- Math Centers:
- 100s chart puzzles
- rolling the dice to +1, +2, +3, +4
- use cubes to build a number and count on
- shared reading skills
- word solving
- cross-checking
- word study of short e words
- fluency: recognizing pairs of rhyming words
- reading to self stamina
- letter/handwriting practice
- sight word work: I, green, see, a
- poetry: Pets
Social Studies
- how to be a good school citizen
- what that looks like in connection with practicing our Catholic faith
- remembering 9/11
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Drummond