Welcome Back Parents!
I hope you had a wonderful summer filled with outdoor activities, family time, and new adventures! I am very excited for the opportunity to spend the year in First Grade with your child! I have been praying for each one of them this summer, that they grow in the light of Christ this year, using their God-given gifts and talents to learn new skills and concepts, and come to understand more deeply what it means to be the Body of Christ. I will continue to pray for their hearts and minds each day and would like to invite you to do the same! The more we can work as a team between home and school, the stronger and more confident your child becomes in their faith and their academics.
If at any point in the year, you have questions about your child’s work or progress or have any other type of concern, please do not hesitate to contact me! Send a note in with your child, leave me a message here at school, or send me an email, and I will respond to you as quickly as possible. If need be, I am available to meet at a time that fits in both of our schedules.
Phone: (616) 796-2310
Email: mackenziedrummond@dogrschools.org
Please be sure to make me aware of any changes in your child’s transportation home from school through an email, phone call, or note in your child’s folder. If it is a last minute change, please call the office with this information and they will relay it to me. I will check my messages and emails often, but will not always have time to do so while working with the children.
Birthdays are a special time to celebrate your child’s life. Feel free to send a small treat (a juice drink as well if you choose) in with your child if that is the way you celebrate birthdays. Cookies, brownies, or fruit are the easiest (and usually the most mess-free!) options. We ask this year that full meals not be brought in to be served to the class in order to preserve the time we have for learning. You are asked not to send red or purple juice because they stain the carpet.
If you would like to come in to serve your child’s birthday treat, we can make arrangements for the best time of the day to do so, depending on when specials and other events may fall in that day’s schedule. Our classroom’s tradition will involve the child picking out their favorite book to be read that day. He/she will have three options for it being read to the class: (1) Mrs. Drummond reading it, (2) he/she may read it to the class, or (3) if you are present for the birthday treat, you may read it.
If your child’s birthday occurs during a weekend, vacation, or over the summer, just choose another day and let me know so that we can celebrate with the class.
Lunch Orders and Money
Students will be able to order lunch from the school menu or bring their own lunch from home. If you do send money with your child to school, please place it in a sealed envelope with your child’s full name on the front. The children will have their own lunch card that will be scanned in the lunchroom. Lunch orders are taken in the morning when students arrive. If you know your child will be late and needs to order lunch, please call the office or send me an email with his/her lunch choice.
Children will have their own lockers to use. First grade lockers do not involve combinations; they simply open and close by pushing up. We will work together on keeping it clean and organized. Please remind your child not to place stickers or other items that will be hard to remove.
We would like to teach the children the correct procedure for borrowing books from the library and the responsibility it involves. Please remind your child about the proper use of books and the importance of returning them on the due date.
Please put your child’s name on everything he/she brings to school. It can become confusing and cause problems when students have similar looking coats, lunchboxes, snowpants, boots, etc. Please remind your child to leave toys and other valuables at home.
Students bring their own snacks in First Grade. The children really appreciate the break in the morning and the boost it gives them until lunchtime. Please send something healthy and nutritious (vegetables, fruits, crackers, etc.). Please avoid sending any kind of nuts; our classroom will be a peanut/tree nut free zone. Students are not allowed to share snacks as they may not be aware of the allergies of other students. They are also allowed to bring a snack for the afternoon.
Your First Grader is going to be working very hard all day long here at school, which is why I firmly believe three things need to happen once your child comes home, he/she needs to:
(1) spend time unplugged simply playing outside or inside, just being a kid
(2) read 20 minutes a day (independently, with you/another adult, or siblings)
(3) go to bed early for a full, healthy night of sleep to be rested for a new day.
The only time work may come home from your child is if they have had ample time to finish it in class, but as a result of their choices did not finish.
Look for the First Grade Newsletter by email on Friday afternoon or on the website. Please be sure to send your email address to either myself or the office to ensure that you receive an electronic copy of the newsletter. If you do not have an email address, please let me know so that I can send a paper copy home with your child.
Home Folders
Students will bring home a folder on a daily basis. The folder will contain assignments your child has completed as well as any work that may not have been finished during the school day as a result of his/her choices and needs to be returned completed the following day. Friday Folders will be sent home containing information from the office every Friday. This may include flyers, forms, and other important information. Please return these folders every Monday.
I am looking forward to our time together this year! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!