The “Swanky” Report 12.19.19

This week has just flown by! I can’t believe it’s already the end of the 2019 school year and we’re just days away from 2020! I hope that this year has been as amazing for each of you as it has been for me! I truly enjoyed working and meeting each of our preschoolers and families this year! I hope that each of you have a safe, blessed, Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year!
The students did such an AMAZING job on Tuesday night at our Christmas program! I am so extremely proud of the hard work they put into practicing all these weeks and such an incredible job singing so proudly! They all looked adorable in their outfits!
Our students worked on preparing for the Christmas holiday this week as they prepared gifts for their parents! We also had our Christmas party this week where we enjoyed some treats, made foam gingerbread men and watched Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas as we enjoyed some popcorn! Each student went home with a gift from Mrs. Plackowski, Mrs. Fickel and I and some other treats from our classmates!
- Thank you Mrs. Schmitt (Lilly’s mom) for volunteering during our Christmas party today!
- Gifts students went home with from Mrs. Plackowski, Mrs. Fickel and Mrs. Swank
- Gifts the students made for their parents!
We created our own jingle mazes on Tuesday afternoon using cardstock paper, straw and tape! The students really enjoyed putting these together and using their creativity! This afternoon they counted out peppermints using flashcards 1-10!
- We have no school from December 23-January 5. The first day back will be January 7 for our TTH students!
- Please send your student to school with the appropriate outside gear (snow pants, mittens, boots and hats) since the weather is always so unpredictable. We will continue to go outside unless it’s 10 degrees or lower.
- Please send your student to school with a water bottle each day!