Third Grade News January 31st

In your Friday folders, there is a packet with registration information for next year. Please return those forms as soon as possible. This Friday, we will be having adoration. Students may bring in a rosary or prayer book. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Religion: This week we will learn how Jesus sent the Apostles to continue His work, and why Peter was chosen to become the first Pope.

Language Arts: We will be reading Around One Cactus. This is an expository text about how plants and animals live and grow in the desert. As we read, we will be learning about cause and effect. In grammar, we will learn about irregular verbs. We will continue to learn the capital letters in cursive.

Spelling: We will be working on words with silent letter consonant patterns (wr, gn, kn, st, mb). The words for the week are thumb, gnaw, written, know, climb, design, wrist, crumb, assign, wrench, knot, wrinkle, lamb, knob, and knit.

Math: We will begin learning about fractions. We will learn how to name fractions, find locate fractions on a number line, and find fractions of a group. Please continue to practice math facts for 5-10 minutes a day.

Social Studies: We will learn how Michigan grew and changed in the time after it was made a state. We will learn about the farming and logging industries.

Science: We will learn how living and nonliving things interact in ecosystems. We will talk about the different types of ecosystems how plants and animals survive in those ecosystems.
