Happy Valentine’s Day!

Thank you to all of our helpers for our Valentine’s Party!  Enjoy all of the special Valentines from your friends.

Remember there is no school on February 17 and 18, enjoy the extra long weekend!  Don’t forget to read  along with playing.

Reading:  We read My Lucky Day in which we saw how the piglet tricked the fox.  Ask your child how he did it.  We continue to learn about sentences with a naming part (noun) and an action (verb).  We wrote a poem about a fox that rhymed.  Our letter is Ll in which we used Ll at the beginning and ending sounds in words.  Our sight words are:  that, do, are.  Keep practicing all of your sight words, you are doing a great job of learning them!

Math:  We finished learning about our teen numbers of 18 and 19.  We have learned that when the 10 frame is filled it is 10 and we count on from 10.  Keep practicing those teen numbers.  We will  learn about the number 20 and beyond next week.  We did Valentine’s Day Math by sorting, counting, graphing candy hearts and measuring objects with them.

Religion:  We heard the parable of The Good Samaritan in which Jesus teaches us to love our others even if we don’t know them.  We learned  that if someone is hungry we can give them food, thirsty a drink, if they are cold we can give clothing.  We continue to practice our prayers everyday.

Social Studies:  President’s Day and Fly Guy Presents the White House are stories we read to learn about the Presidents.  We made a Lincoln log house out of popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners and a penny.  We learned about the coins penny, nickel, dime and quarter and their value.  We have decided we would rather have 4 quarters in our pocket instead of 100 pennies.  We learned a song called the Money Song. Have your child sort and count coins at home.

STREAM: Conversation Heart Candy Stacking in which we build stacks  of hearts in many different ways and counted how many we had.

Next week we will be learning about Dental Health and taking care of our teeth. Practice brushing your teeth twice a day.

February Calendar Dates:

February 17 and 18 No school

February 26 Ash Wednesday, Mass at Our Lady of the Lake at 9:00

March is Reading Month:   Would you like to be a guest reader in our classroom?  The children love to have their parents or grandparents come in and read to the class.  You get to choose the book of your choice.  We will work out  a time and day that works for you and us.
