February 28- T/TH News

We have avoided major snowstorms this winter, but it has still been cold. Remember to send winter gear for playing outside.


This week in preschool, the children added to their school journal. We talked about how God made each of us different and special. The children drew a picture of what makes them special. We also learned about the letter T and the sound it makes. We learned that T is for train, teddy bears, trumpets, T-Rex, truck, tiger, and teeth. The children played a sorting game about taking care of teeth- identifying good foods and habits vs bad foods and habits. They also painted their letter T using a toothbrush. The children also have had opportunities to practice cutting.


I hope you received the barn invitation to our Preschool Literacy Morning on March 21. We hope that all the children can come so that they can participate in the stories and crafts. Please email me by Wednesday, March 18 to let me know how many people will be attending- amyplackowski@dogrschools.org.


Next month is March is Reading month. Let us know if you would like to come in to read a short book to the class. The children can also dress as their favorite book character on Thursday, March 12.

